9 Excellent Ideas & Topics for IGNOU MBA HR Projects

Frequently, an IGNOU MBA HR Project will include several projects to enrich your learning experience. These projects will facilitate the application of theoretical principles to real-world situations. IGNOU MBA HR Project programmes often include a variety of projects to improve the overall learning experience. You will learn how to apply the ideas and theories you acquire during the programme, so enhancing your overall learning. In India, the MBA in Human Resources has a strong future. We examine some of the greatest and most original project topics you may pick for your IGNOU MBA HR Project degree.

1. Analysis of Employee Satisfaction in the Telecommunications Sector.

The telecom industry employs millions of workers. In this industry, notable companies like as Airtel, Jio, and Vodafone-Idea are present. This industry is one of the most competitive industries in India, with fierce rivalry. It is common knowledge that work conditions are stressful and the task is tedious. A difficult and monotonous workplace is typical. What is the degree of employee happiness in this industry?

The project’s subtopics may include the effects of globalisation on the telecom industry. And as a result of the emergence of rivals in the market, each firm is at a disadvantage. This is directly linked to employee stress. As they are the company’s driving force. Also, another subtopic may be how the existence of rivals contributes to the attrition rate of the firms, since workers have more alternatives and would naturally prefer the employee-focused company. This is a popular HR-related project subject.

2. A Study of the Different Employee Welfare Programs at FMCG.

In the domain of fast-moving consumer goods, India boasts numerous premium and well-known brands. They employ lakhs of people with a variety of employee-centric benefit programmes. How have these programmes assisted them in retaining personnel over lengthy periods of time with a very low attrition rate?

How do welfare programmes help to employee retention and the low turnover rate? This is also a highly pertinent IGNOU MBA HR Project work.

This project’s research subtopics may include

  • A comparison between the FMCG corporations and the other businesses.
  • A comparative case study of the policy differences between FMCG or any other two large corporations.
  • The influence of the welfare programmes on the lifestyles of the workers of these two distinct groups of enterprises is described in anonymous employee testimonies.
  • Both low and high attrition rates are influenced by numerous variables.

3. Analysis of Employee Training Requirements in the Banking Industry

The banking industry in India is continually evolving, and bank employees must now interact with millions of customers, many of whom have minimal or no expertise of financial services. Banking is a dynamic industry in India, and banking professionals are customer-focused. Employees continue to get training to better serve the demands of consumers.

This also necessitates frequent training for all personnel in order to meet the demands of all these consumers. What are the training requirements of bank employees?

The subtopics for this HR project might be: Geographically-based behavioural segmentation of client kinds.

  • Customers’ most frequent points of contention and recommended resolutions.
  • How to handle difficult customers?
  • Dos and Don’ts to Improve Client Satisfaction

4. Employer branding strategies in failing businesses

Employer branding helps position the business as the most desirable workplace among students and prospective workers. How will you use different employer branding methods to entice individuals to join failing companies?

Employer branding assists in positioning the company as an outstanding workplace. This establishes a reputation among students and prospective employees. This is one of the most effective IGNOU MBA HR project topic.

How to build USPs for a firm in order to turn them into a brand might be one of the sub-topics.

  • Why and how welfare programmes need to be conveyed and marketed.
  • How to use LinkedIn’s networking channels.
  • How to make it seem authentic by using actual workers as brand ambassadors.

5. Evaluation of the Performance Evaluation and Bonus Payments

Is the evaluation system designed to fairly reward the top performers, or are there gaps? During prosperous years, does the corporation equitably pay incentives to its employees? This was one of the ideal HR research project topics for 2021, and it remains relevant now.

The sub-topics might consist of a case study of two firms to see how they handle evaluations and their KRA management practises.

  • Case Study examining how the workers of these two firms see the evaluation. If they are pleased, believe it to be fair, etc.
  • How does evaluation affect the turnover rate of companies?
  • Commonly used techniques for evaluation.

6. Human Resources Policies and Implementation at BPO

BPO is a fairly widespread idea in India, where one firm outsources its business procedures to another company, hence enabling it to effectively manage its business. In order to function more efficiently, one firm outsources its operations to another. Shift labour is used to accommodate varying timeframes and business processes. What are the BPO’s HR policies, and how do they vary from those of other companies? How are these HR policies put into practise? These are essential questions that must be asked. This is an excellent HR project subject.

The subtopics may include: job satisfaction among BPO workers.

  • Contributing factors to the dread of unemployment
  • Attrition Rate and its contributing elements.
  • The Impact of Career Progression and Planning on Employees in Quick Food Chains

Career Progression is an essential incentive for workers to work diligently and raise their output. Career advancement is a major motivator for higher employee productivity. Advancing in one’s career often entails a raise in compensation, a promotion to a more prestigious position, and an increase How is employee-centered career advancement and planning executed in the fast food industry?

The subtopics might include:

  • The effect of personnel on the length of meal delivery.
  • How multinational corporations compete with national firms in the food delivery chain.
  • Why do workers choose to join, re-join, or remain with the organisation?
  • Impact of food delivery staff on the expansion of a business.
  • The rate of job satisfaction among food delivery workers.
  • The Food Delivery Employees’ Career Progression Scenario

This is one of the excellent subjects for IGNOU MBA HR projects.

7. Employee Retention Techniques

Tata Group is one of India’s largest employers, employing millions of people. Tata group is renowned for having the lowest staff turnover rate, and its employee retention initiatives have been very effective. The Tata Group is built on a foundation of low turnover and effective staff retention practises. In addition, the Tata Group offers several employee benefit schemes that have inspired workers. How have these methods been executed, and what has contributed to their success? This is one of the best HR-related themes for a project.

8. The influence of the presence of women in top management positions on firm leadership.

In 2019-2020, a lot of women have been promoted to leadership positions within prominent organisations. As this good trend continues, there are still fewer women at the top of many fields. What is the function of women, and how has their presence affected the leadership and administration of these companies?

  • What influence have women had on the leadership and management of these companies?
  • The role of women in top management might be included among the subtopics.
  • The effect a woman’s leadership has on a corporation.
  • Case studies comparing two groups of organisations, one with a female CEO and the other with a male CEO.
  • Comparing the quarterly earnings of a female and male CEO.
  • What factors contribute to the gender gap in senior management positions?

9. Strategies for Employee Engagement in Information Technology Companies

Employee happiness is heavily influenced by employee engagement. It keeps them satisfied and addresses their complaints and involvement. Companies in the information technology industry demand lengthy hours of excellent labour. What employee engagement tactics might work in this situation?

  • Factors contributing to late working hours might be one of the subtopics.
  • Factors contributing to the attrition rate
  • Why long-tenured staff remained.
  • Comparative case study of two groups of IT firms

A comparative case study may examine employee welfare, grievance, leave, and evaluation policies, among others.

If you need assistance with IGNOU MBA HR Project Synopsis Report (MMPP 1) writing work, please contact/whatsapp us at sales@shrichakradhar.com (9958947060)

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